Copenhagen Architecture by Kim Høltermand

Posted by Oksel in Architecture, Photography | Comments Off on Copenhagen Architecture by Kim Høltermand

Truly , amazing atmosphere! I like this sooo much!
I will post more of his work shortly. He is a true master of photography. You will see…

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Flora and fauna of the city

Posted by admin in Streetview | Comments Off on Flora and fauna of the city

Discovered, just yet, in the street @theoffice.

Italian lover

Posted by Cat70 in Street art [outdoors] | Comments Off on Italian lover

Why do I keep falling for this Black and white stuff?


Check more about this project on the site of the creator. The Italian Kraser.

OKAY I like color to. More Kraser??


Different BlogStyle

Posted by Cat70 in Blog-sharing, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Different BlogStyle

Video-diary of Bart Aalbers.

Trash Lovers Calligraffiti

Posted by Oksel in Calligraffiti, Street art [outdoors], Typography | Comments Off on Trash Lovers Calligraffiti
Very nice! Enjoy!

Trash Lovers from Dimo Trifonov on Vimeo.

Check also:
I say: Let’s create beautiful things!

Cut ‘n Paste

Posted by Cat70 in Art [alternative], Art [paint], Design | Comments Off on Cut ‘n Paste

Love the way he keeps this collage feel on the large format.


=street= art, style, sports =street=

Posted by Cat70 in Commercial Art, Video | Comments Off on =street= art, style, sports =street=

OOOOooold! guerilla campagne… Animals in New York. I found out just yet so… enjoy!

Streetart at a different perspective

Posted by Cat70 in Art [alternative], Photography, Street art [outdoors] | Comments Off on Streetart at a different perspective

Low angled for the little people a little-people.blogspot.

By: Slinkachu.


Exit Through the Gift Shop

Posted by Cat70 in Art [alternative], Stencil, Street art [outdoors], Video | Comments Off on Exit Through the Gift Shop

Checked it out last night. Nostalgia.
The first part made me feel like I was watching ‘Style Wars’ for the first time again. And I liked it!
A Banksy Film…


Awesome RAW Illustrations by Russ Mills

Posted by Oksel in Art [alternative], Commercial Art | Comments Off on Awesome RAW Illustrations by Russ Mills

Awesome RAW Illustration Portfolio by Russ Mills, an Illustrator from England.

Russ Mills

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